No one likes to be a beginner. When we start something new, there is so much we don’t know. And the worst part is that Beginners make mistakes, embarrass themselves, and make bad or expensive decisions. This is true of first-time parents, learning a new instrument, or being a Christian.
Christianity is both simple and complex. The simple part is that, to be saved, all we have to do is believe in Jesus and confess he is our Lord and Savior. The complex part is that, as the Holy Spirit begins to change us, we have to let go of some stuff, change priorities, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. This is a good thing, but it is also hard.
Through this process of the Holy Spirit changing us, we will certainly meet resistance. Sometimes that’s from our friends or family. But the most resistance comes from within ourselves. Our self is the biggest enemy to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So if you made a New Year’s resolution to become a better person or Christian, but you are finding it hard, that’s ok. We all have struggles, we all have obstacles. In fact, we are all beginners just like you.
Thomas Merton said, “We do not want to be beginners. But let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything else but beginners, all our life.” This is from a guy who literally wrote the book on prayer and spiritual disciplines.
What can we do to overcome our biggest enemy, ourself, and draw closer to God this year?
- Read your Bible. Get a plan (I recommend the YouVersion.com app). Start in the Gospel of Mark or Luke and then read from there. Don’t start in Genesis, Leviticus, or Revelations.
- Make it a priority to pray everyday. If you miss a day, don’t quit or give up.
- Consider fasting, taking a Sabbath, and other spiritual disciplines. There are many great books and resources out there that can help introduce you to spiritual disciplines. One of my favorites is by John Ortberg called “The Life You’ve Always Wanted”. You can buy this at Amazon or consider used from Discoverbooks.com
Too often, we feel that only super spiritual people or pastors can draw closer to God. “Real people don’t have the time to fast, go to church, or read their Bible everyday”. But that isn’t true. Disciplines like Bible study, fasting, and prayer are for everyone.
Richard Foster in “Celebration of Discipline” writes,
“We must not be led to believe that the Disciplines are only for spiritual giants and hence beyond our reach, or only for contemplatives who devote all their time to prayer and meditation. Far from it. God intends the Disciplines of the spiritual life to be for ordinary human beings: people who have jobs, who care for children, who wash dishes and mow lawns. In fact, the Disciplines are best exercised in the midst of our relationships with our husband or wife, our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors.”
You don’t have to quit your job, join a monastery, or lock yourself in your room to draw closer to God. Find ways to implement spiritual disciplines into your everyday life. Find ways to invite your family, church, or friends in your journey too. We are more likely to implement spiritual disciplines when we practice them in a community of others who are of like mind and purpose. In other words, you don’t have to do this all on your own.
And if you feel like a beginner at all of this, that’s perfect. The best place to start is right where you are.
If you want to grow closer to God, find freedom from a life-changing addiction, or simply want God to use you more this year than last, consider putting a plan together and start practicing some of these spiritual disciplines. Don’t try to do too much. If you have never read all of the New Testament, don’t set a goal of reading all of the Bible in a month. On the other hand, if prayer is hard for you then don’t try to pray an hour a day. Or If you have never fasted, don’t try to fast for 30 days. Instead, ask God what step He wants you to make and let that be the goal. You’ll find that God will challenge you but he won’t set you up for failure. He wants you to draw closer to Him and He wants you to win.
For all you beginners out there, congratulations on starting something absolutely incredible. Stay tuned to my Facebook page and blog at LickingAG.com for more resources.